Holds a PhD in Art History from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2001) and the University of São Paulo (2005). She is a professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at the University of the Algarve and an integrated researcher at CHAM – Humanities Center, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Co-coordinates with Alice Santiago Faria, the research project “TechNetEMPIRE – Technical-scientific networks in the formation of the environment built in the Portuguese Empire (1647-1871)” financed by FCT (PTDC / ART-DAQ / 31959/2017). Integrates the teaching staff of the PhD Program in Heritage of Portuguese Influence of the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research and Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. He has developed research mainly in the areas of the history of urbanism, especially in the scope of Portuguese expansion, history of cartography and heritage studies and has several published works.

CHAM – Centre for the Humanities | NOVA FCSH – Uac
