FARIA, Alice Santiago; ARAUJO, Renata Malcher de; CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da. Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo, 2025]

CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da. “Classes or lessons, and the learning of architecture before the Portuguese Restoration (1640)”, Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge [no prelo, 2025)

ARAUJO, Renata Malcher de; CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da; FARIA, Alice Santiago. “Learning places: building expertise in the early modern Portuguese Empire”. Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo 2025]

PIRES, Fernando; PACHECO, Mafalda; CRUZ, Sara. “(In)formal learning: military engineer education in African territories of the Portuguese empire”,  Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo 2025]

NETO, Clovis Ramiro Jucá. “Between readings, writings, and the building site: Diogo da Silveira Veloso, an eighteenth-century Portuguese engineer in northeastern Brazil”. Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo 2025]

COELHO, João Cabeleira Marques. Drawing the territory: cartographic expeditions as learning places, the case of southern Brazil in the middle of the eighteenth century”. Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo 2025]

LEITE, Antonieta Reis.“The idea of a “new world” in the General Captaincy of the Azores: the territory and its protagonists”. Technical and Scientific Training in the Construction of Empires: on the Quest of Learning Places. Faria, Alice Santiago; Araujo, Renata Malcher de; Conceição, Margarida Tavares da. Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Routledge. [no prelo 2025]


FARIA Alice Santiago;  CORREIA, Rute. eViterbo Global Report. Outlines on the Creation of a Research Open Platform Using MediaWiki and Wikibase. Zenodo, 30 de novembro de 2022. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7380115.


CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da; ARAUJO, Renata (2021) “Early modern fortification: the Portuguese experience and engineer education”, The First World Empire: Portugal, War and Military Revolution. Carvalhal, Hélder; Murteira, André; Lee de Jesus, Roger (eds.). London: Routledge, 34-50.

CORREIA, Jorge (2021) “Displaying Islamic Arts in Global Cities”, IJIA International Journal of Islamic Architecture, Special issue: ‘Islamic Architecture’ Today: Critical Reflections on the Field, 10: 1 (2021) 137-146. ISSN 2045-5895.

LOPES, Ana, CORREIA, Jorge (2021) “Negotiating early-modernity in Azemmour, Morocco: military architecture in transition”, The First World Empire Portugal. War and Military Revolution, Carvalhal, Hélder; Murteira, André; Lee de Jesus, Roger (eds.). London: Routledge, 13-33.

NETO, Clóvis Jucá; BESERRA, J. R. (2021) “Mobilidade e interconexões oceânicas: o engenheiro militar e o artífice entre a Capitania do Ceará e o reino de Portugal”, Anais do Museu Paulista, dossier: História da Urbanização do Brasil, v. 29, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-02672021v29d1e16

PACHECO, Mafalda; FARIA, Alice Santiago (2021) “Building a province on the Equator line. The Nineteenth century Public Works Department of the São Tomé and Príncipe archipelagos”, History in Africa, Cambridge University Press (Submetido a 20-09-2021, em revisão).

PACHECO, Mafalda (2021) “Erudite vaults by anonymous builders. The vaulted houses of Fuzeta (Portugal)”, History of Construction Cultures, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), Lisbon, Portugal, 12–16 July 2021. Leiden, Países Baixos: CRC Press/Balkema, Vol 2, 114-121. DOI 10.1201/9781003173434-119

PINTO, Sandra M.G. (2021) “A building expert without building training: The city of Lisbon vedor of works (14th-19th centuries)”, History of Construction Cultures, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), Lisbon, Portugal, 12–16 July 2021. Leiden, Países Baixos: CRC Press/Balkema, 2021, Vol 1, 157-165.



ARAUJO, Renata (2020) “Military cartography by Portugal”, History of Cartography, Cartography in the European Enlightenment.  Volume Four Edney, Mathew & Pedley, Mary (eds.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0226184753

ARAUJO, Renata (2020) “Boundary Surveying in Portuguese America”, History of Cartography, Cartography in the European Enlightenment.  Volume Four, Edney, Mathew & Pedley, Mary (eds.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0226184753

CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da (2020) “Fortificação moderna, engenheiros militares e defesa do território: redes de actuação intercontinental (séculos XV- XVII)”, História da Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina em Portugal. Época moderna. Leitão, Henrique; Fontes da Costa, Palmira; Sánchez, Antonio (coord.) Lisboa: CIUHCT-UL, vol I,  417-448.

CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da (2020) “Hard to obtain, hard to translate: lime and earth construction in early modern Portuguese writings on architecture and fortification”, Construction Techniques and Writings on Architecture in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe.Caterina Cardamone and Pieter Martens (ed.). Opvs Incertvm Rivista di Storia dell’Architettura, issue 2020, Firenze University Press. (Open Access Journal)

CONCEIÇÃO, Margarida Tavares da (2020) “Urban mapping in Portugal” History of Cartography, Cartography in the European Enlightenment, Volume Four, Edney, Mathew & Pedley, Mary (eds.).  Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020. ISBN 978-0226184753

CORREIA, Jorge (2020) “Military borders, political frontiers: settling the Portuguese urban space in North Africa”, Studi e Ricerche di Storia dell’architettura 7. Edizioni caracol. ISSN 2532-2699

FARIA, Alice Santiago (2020) “Administração Colonial e Obras Públicas: as Direções de Obras Públicas nos territórios do antigo oriente português (1869-1926)”, Tecnologia e Medicina em Portugal. Século XIX, A. Carneiro, T. Salomé Mota, I. Amaral. Lisboa: Tinta da China, CIUCHT, vol III, 237-259.


CORREIA, Jorge; TEIXEIRA, André (eds.) (2019) A Península Ibérica e o Norte de África (séculos XV a XVII). História e Património / The Iberian Peninsula and North Africa (15th to 17th centuries). History and Heritage. Lisboa / Braga: CHAM / Lab2PT. ISBN: 978-989-8492-68-5

CORREIA, Jorge (2019) “De Ceuta para o mundo: em rota pela regularidade urbana”, II Congreso Internacional “Las orígenes de la expansión europea Ceuta 1415”. Ceuta: Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes, 2019, 163-182.

FARIA, Alice Santiago; ARAUJO, Renata (2019) “Conexões macro territoriais na formação do ambiente construído no Império português (1647-1871)”,  ANAIS CIHU: Anais dos Congressos Ibero-americanos de História Urbana,  Pacheco, Sergio M.; . Rothe, Héctor Q (eds.) Novembro de 2019, 2760-2770. ISSN: 2674-6808.

PEIXOTO, I.; CORREIA, Jorge (2019) “Da arquitetura militar do período português em Arzila, Marrocos: momentos, intervenientes, significados / Military Architecture during the Portuguese period in Asilah, Morocco. Moments, Partakers, Meanings”, A Península Ibérica e o Norte de África (séculos XV a XVII). História e Património / The Iberian Peninsula and North Africa (15th to 17th centuries). History and Heritage, eds. CORREIA, Jorge, TEIXEIRA, André. Lisboa / Braga: CHAM / Lab2PT. 107-137. ISBN: 978-989-8492-68-5