eViterbo is a platform, in development under the scope of TechNetEMPIRE project and anchored in the “Art, History and Heritage” group and in the “Heritage and Memory” line of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities.
Its main objective is to create an electronic resource that aims to support academic research in the fields of art history and decorative arts, history of architecture, history and to serve the community in general, through the open online availability of an instrument that gathers and acts as a mediator of information on a collective cultural heritage.
The online platform will work on four axes:
as an electronic resource that combines various knowledge skills, presenting itself as an online “Dictionary” and a “Glossary”; as a linking interface between existing electronic resources; as a repository of historical sources; as a set of structured data (curated database) that is intended to be free to use through the platform’s connection to Wikidata. Development phases:
Phase 1 – (ongoing) implementation of the wiki platform (Mediawiki software and Wikibase for structured data), taking as a starting point the set of information contained in works by Francisco de Sousa Viterbo; contributions of research projects in the group “Art, History and Memory”, namely TechNetEMPIRE, DRESS and c.1892.
eViterbo is already available online even if we’re still working on some updates on content and solving technical issues. Do visit and send us your feedback: https://eviterbo.fcsh.unl.pt/
Phase 2 – Public launch of the portal. Expansion of contribution to the scientific community in general.
eViterbo will be provided and maintained by CHAM – Humanities Center, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University of Lisbon, under the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, unless otherwise indicated.
eISBN: 978-989-8492-77-7
This video was modified from an original video presentation made for Linked Pasts VII, Ghent University 2021.