Researcher fellow in the project TechNetEMPIRE – Technoscientific Networks in the construction of the environment in the Portuguese Empire (1647-1871)” funded by FCT (PTDC/ART-DAQ/31959/2017) from September 2020 to March 2021 and since that date she has become a member of the research team.
Currently, she is also a researcher in the project Olisipógrafos: os cronistas de Lisboa, funded by Institute of Art History – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.
Graduated in Art History at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (2009); Master’s Degree in History of Modern Art at the NOVA University of Lisbon (2014), where she did a PhD scholarship FCT (SFRH / BD / 108973/2015). She is currently coordinating the project of museology, heritage and tourism of the Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Aires (Viana do Alentejo), with funding approved by the regional operational framework Alentejo 2020 through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
IHA – Instituto de História da Arte|NOVA FCSH